Why is there a God ?
Seeking the Truth

God is explained with science. So here is that seems sure. It’s up to you to check if you can believe in God.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Life after Death
by Matthieu Giroux
on Tuesday 28 August 2018

As explained, according to every religions, life is eternal. That is to say that life is recreated. She should be resurrected. Life creates new lives. The Buddhist religion thinks that our life is reincarnated in animals. Monotheistic religions speak of beyond, of a life elsewhere, after death, in the sky, like images. The souls accepted by God would go into a universe, similar or equal to that of God, according to Jesus.
We should be the equal of God. We could act on the Earth this (...)