Why is there a God ?
Seeking the Truth

God is explained with science. So here is that seems sure. It’s up to you to check if you can believe in God.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Who Is God ?
by Matthieu Giroux
on Wednesday 5 September 2018

Explaining God is also explaining why there is life in the universe. But before that, it’s about explaining physics. Let’s talk about gravity. Gravity acts in a vacuum. Indeed our planet is attracted by the sun. It turns around, thanks to a balance of forces. In the same way, our universe is attracted by another universe. That’s why our universe goes faster than the light’s speed. Yet, gravity is said to be a weak force. It still has the ability to act in a vacuum, so through another (...)